Monday, November 22, 2010

Happy birthday to my 'leng lui' mummy

Date : 20 Nov 2010
Venue : Look out point

Yea~i m back to kl 3 days ago yet i m back to jb again today...
Daddy purposely celebrate mum's birthday earlier because everyone was home!Its been so long after we met 2 months ago..

Mummy was so happy..i know...her face...her expression tell me all that...
Daddy stand strong with his position...he wants the waiter to switch off all the light and on the birthday song loudly when they serve the birthday cake!!Everyone was looking at us....We sang out loudly...( not embarassed at all )

I am proud with tat...singing out loudly in the public isnt tat 'pai seh' because she is my MUM!Happy birthday mummy~i love u!

mummy and daddy

black forest cake

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